The launch command expects the name of your instance as an argument. This will be the hostname, I tend to be specific to the purpose of the instance: fleekdev, wails, briandotdev. The instance name will be the only useful thing you have to help you remember why you created it; dancing-monkey isn’t going to cut it.
The launch command also requires a flag specifying the template you want to use. To see the starter templates that come with Blincus, run blincus template list.
Pick one to test and launch it.
Success! And the output gives you your next step: blincus shell myfirst:
Blincus automatically sets the MOTD (message of the day) in your shell with some helpful information about the instance’s configuration.
You’re in a shell inside your running instance. To prove it to yourself, try running
The output should match the template you specified in the launch command.
That’s pretty cool, since I’m running on a Fedora-based Bluefin computer.